"As the basketball coach of Indiana for the past 22-plus years, my main objective has been to provide Hoosier fans everywhere with a team that they can be proud of both on and off the floor. I realize that you have not always agreed with what I have done or said. Given the opportunity to observe each of you, I probably wouldn't agree with all that any of you said or did either. I also realize that I have made mistakes over the years in a variety of ways, which once again doesn't make me any different from most of you.
The accomplishments of Indiana basketball over these 22-plus years have largely been the result of the tremendous effort put forth by the many outstanding players that have worn IU uniforms. Yet, you the fans have given these players the kind of support that makes you the best in the nation and this includes the thousands and thousands who have never been to a game in Assembly Hall. Many times over the years I have mentioned my gratitude and appreciation for our fans and their support. If my reaction to the jeering from the stands on Tuesday night offended any true Hoosier fans I am deeply sorry and wish to apologize.
This team representing Indiana and the 1993-94 season needs and deserves every ounce of your support. I know you will give it to them.
P.S. We have been working on Patrick's passing.
What Knight really meant:
"As the basketball coach of Indiana for the past 22-plus years, my main objective has been to provide Hoosier fans everywhere not a damn thing but instead do whatever the hell I felt like doing without fear of repercussion from any person, conference or government. I realize that you have not always agreed with what I have done or said, but fuck you, I don't give a shit what you think.
Given the opportunity to observe each of you, I probably wouldn't agree with all that any of you said or did either and consequently I would push you into a chair and kick you. I also realize that I have made mistakes over the years in a variety of ways, but off-hand I can't think of too goddamn many except for my ex-wife Nancy and Lawrence Funderburke. Again, making mistakes doesn't make me any different from most of you, except I'm paid a helluva lot more money and my mistakes get covered up because I'm the most powerful son-of-a-bitch in the state of Indiana.
The accomplishments of Indiana basketball over these 22-plus years have largely been the result of me and not pussies like Uwe Blab, Steve Eyl, Kreigh Smith, Todd Meier, Scott Eels, Mike LaFave and Phil Isenbarger. Yet, you think you're the best fans in the nation and this includes the thousands and thousands of gun-toting, beer-drinking, wife-beating fat morons who sit in their goddamn La-Z-Boy recliners who have never been to Assembly Hall but act like they're part of the team.
If my reaction to the jeering from the stands on Tuesday night offended any TRUE Hoosier fans, fuck you.
This team representing Indiana and the 1993-94 season needs all the goddamn help it can get because I've only got three black players and my white players are slower than I am. So it needs and deserves your fucking support, not you booing me because my dumb fucking kid can't throw a simple fucking bounce pass. I know you will give it to them ... or else I'll have my Gestapo ushers get your name and seat numbers and you'll never see another goddamn game in Assembly Hall again.
P.S. We have been working on Patrick's passing, but the fucking bottom line is the kid can't play a lick and by giving him a scholarship it saved me having to pay his way through school.