The rocket's red glare; the bombs setting fire to your hair

By Steve Robinson
Who has a bottle rocket aimed at your head as we speak

Hey you aspiring militia members - has your next shipment of ammonium nitrate and brake fluid been delayed? Don't despair, and don't forget this: mayhem and chaos are not conditions you create, it's what you are. So with that in mind, let's get out those leftover Fourth of July fireworks and get to work.

The careening rocket will really give a lift to all those UFO watchers who have been patiently camping out near the base all these years. It will also give you the opportunity to evaluate the response time of red alert scramble pilots and the base's military police. When the MPs come for you - standing there holding a set of jumper cables, your head wrapped in tin foil, your pants around your ankles and a fuel regulator still sticking out of your ass - remember to LOOK INCONSPICUOUS.

Good luck, and remember: If God had wanted us to have this many fingers he wouldn't have invented M-80s.